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Quiz Coconut Trivia Podcast

Trivia Podcasts



Do you ever find yourself looking for the perfect way to kill time driving to work, going to the gym, or trying to tune out those loud battery operated toys the in-laws gifted your kids with at Christmas, but you’re tired of listening to top 40 hits? Look no further, a trivia podcast might be the perfect solution for you!

Over the last few years, podcasts have become increasingly more popular for all ages as the go to background noise for peoples day to day lives and as of 2024, there are over 464 million podcast listeners worldwide.

When looking for the perfect podcast, you can get lost in all of the potential categories. True Crime, World News, Music, Pop Culture, World History and so much more. You’re sure to find something that sparks your interest once you start browsing your Spotify.

What do we recommend? Quiz Coconut’s team of podcast consuming experts suggests starting small and keeping it light with a something fun and engaging. What could be better than a trivia podcast?

Trivia podcasts come in all different shapes and sizes, with varying lengths and a variety of content. It’s the perfect way to pick your own brain while getting in a good laugh whenever you need it most.

First of all, let’s talk trivia!

Pub Trivia

Pub Trivia

Where did Trivia start?

In order to draw customers into pubs on slower nights, the company Burns and Porter invented the pub quiz in the UK in the 1970s. Over the following few years, popularity increased steadily, going from 30 teams to 10,000 teams participating in a Burns and Porter quiz every week.

Pub quiz nights have maintained their popularity not only in the UK, but worldwide. Nowadays, a quick Google search in your area should give you a long list of interesting bar trivia events near by that you can participate in with your ideal team… which brings us to another important point.

Creating the Perfect Trivia Team

Picking Team Gif

How to pick the perfect teammates…

The most important thing when it comes to picking the perfect team is ensuring that you select the friends and colleagues that will crush your opponents and make them cr……… woah woah woah… we’re only kidding. (But not really).

Obviously, picking your smarty pants friends is important, but keep in mind, winning isn’t the only way to have fun.

  1. Trivia questions are fast moving, so make sure you’ve got a team of focused friends with fast fingers to get button pressing or note writing as soon as you need it!
  2. Incorporate all ages, including mom, dad or even grandma and the kids! A good trivia game incorporates different decades for all kinds of topics, so the more years you can cover, the better chance you have.
  3. Gather your peeps with different hobbies. Sports, pop culture, video games, world history. Whatever the niche, make sure you’ve got a range of different hobby enthusiasts to help cover varying topics when you play trivia.
  4. The last, and likely the most important. Pick teammates that you know you’ll have a great time with. Even if there are prizes on the line, having a great time with your friends, family or colleagues can often be better than a winning trophy.

Trivia games come in many forms. Whether it’s a pub night, trivia time, virtual work event or a game of Trivial Pursuit, there are endless ways to quiz solo or with friends.

Now, let’s loop back to podcasts. You might be wondering how all this trivia talk ties in, so let’s get started!

Quiz Coconut’s Weekly Trivia Podcast


Our team at Quiz Coconut has curated the perfect trivia podcast for you to tune into whenever you’re looking for a quick way to brighten up your day and tune up your trivia skills.

Hosted by our very own James Cutler, who has decades of pub quizzing and corporate event trivia under his belt. The podcast incorporates general knowledge, obscure topics, bar trivia and much more. Coupled with his usual banter and library of unusual facts, you’re sure to be laughing and scratching your head every episode.


Since 2021, our trivia podcast has entertained over 150, 000 people worldwide. With listeners in North America, Australia and even Ghana!


Scan the QR code above or search on your favorite podcast streaming app and join James from the Quiz Coconut team for a fresh trivia podcast to get your brain pumping, and your belly laughing!


Don’t have time to tune in just yet? We’ve included a little taste of our trivia podcast below for your entertainment.


General Knowledge Trivia


Test your knowledge of general trivia below! (No peeking at the answers)


-Q1: Emmental Cheese comes from which country?

Emmental Cheese

Q2: Mycology is the study of what?


Q3: What is measured with a Geiger Counter?

Geiger Counter

A1: Switzerland! Emmental is a yellow, medium-hard cheese that originated in the area around the Emmental, in the canton of Bern in Switzerland.


A2: Mycology is the study of Fungi.


A3: A Geiger Counter measures radiation.


Well, how did you do? This was just a tiny taste of what we offer weekly on our Quiz Coconut Quickfire Trivia podcast. Study up and join some other trivia lovers by streaming our podcast now!

With over 100 episodes out already, you can catch up on all of our episodes and anxiously await our weekly release of new content.

Trivia Podcast Recommendations


Obviously we can’t just toot our own horn here. We’d love to give credit to some other trivia podcasts that inspired us to start our own.

Check out this list of our favorite trivia podcasts to tune in to when we’re feeling ‘quizzy’.


  • Takeaway Trivia is a weekly pub trivia style podcast that will get your brain going and belly laughing. With a 4.8 star rating on Apple Podcasts, you’re sure to enjoy this hilarious and challenging trivia pod.
  • Fingers on Buzzers is a must listen for all types of quizzers. Not only can you enjoy their weekly episode of trivia but you can join the hosts and their exciting guests while they chat about the history of trivia, pub quizzes, game shows and much more. Be sure to tune in to this fun mix of chit chat and quizzing!
  • Trivia for Kids is a great way to get the whole family involved. Join this mother and son on their weekly podcast episode to get your kids guessing, learning and laughing with topics such as Disney Princesses, Toys, Animals, Sports and so much more!

Bonus Round: Listener Questions

Do you have a burning trivia question you’d love to share with our other listeners? Our team is excited to announce our newest feature of the pod, listener questions!

Write in to the team at Quiz Coconut here for a chance to have your tricky trivia question featured on an upcoming episode of our podcast.


Whether you’re a long time listener, or a newcomer to the Quiz Coconut pod team, thanks for tuning in! We hope to continue to be a part of your go to listening when at home or on the go.

– Be sure to check us out on Facebook and LinkedIn, and subscribe to our podcasts on your favorite streaming app.


– Don’t forget to leave us a review wherever you tune in to your favourite podcast episodes.

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